Thursday, May 21, 2009

Got JOY?

On a scale of 1 to 10 what is your Joy factor? Are you feeling healthy and vibrant? Are you successful in your career? Are you surrounded by wonderful and loving people? Do you have plenty of money in the bank? Do you drive around in a new car and live in clean suburban neighborhood? Good. Then you’ve got joy, right? Wrong!!! These things may make you happy, but they do not bring you Joy. Oblige me for a moment while I explain.

Happiness is circumstantial…it depends on outward experiences and happenings. Joy is intrinsic—it is an inward experience and does not depend on circumstances. Everyone desires to be happy and live a carefree and fun-filled life. So, they seek to do the very things that they believe will bring them this happiness. They go to college to get a good-paying job, they exercise for health benefits, and they take regular vacations to enjoy life to its fullest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing these things either. Furthermore, it is quite easy to be happy when things are going well. But what happens when life throws you a curveball and you lose your job, your health deteriorates, or a loved one dies? What then? Obviously you aren’t “happy” about these things. Does that mean it is time to start complaining, sulking, and blaming others for your misfortune?

Have you considered being “joyful” even in these difficult situations? “How can I be joyful,” you ask “when things are falling apart all around me?” Joy is in direct contrast to happiness and it runs much deeper and stronger. Unlike happiness, joy does not depend on good or positive experiences. You can be joyful even if there is great sorrow all around you. Joy is the quiet and confident assurance that no matter what happens, you are loved by God and He will never leave nor forsake you. This kind of joy can come only from a deep abiding relationship with your heavenly Father. It comes from being dedicated to and living for Jesus Christ. Even when things aren’t going well and we “feel” like complaining, we can rest assured that Christ still reigns, He is still in control, and He will work all things for good for those who love Him.

Consider Paul who endured so much opposition and suffering. Not only was he repeatedly beaten and put in prison, he truly suffered for Christ. He was hungry, he was cold, he was alone, yet he considered “everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus.” No matter what his circumstances were, he learned to be content, and he focused all his attention and energy on knowing and obeying Christ. Wow, what a role model to follow! In his letter to the Philippians, he exhorts us to be joyful in suffering, in serving, in believing, and in giving. He wants us to be “confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6

We’re flesh and blood and it is inevitable that we will feel discouraged at times. However, we must always remember that God’s Spirit is alive and well and living inside each one of His believers. He is the one enabling us to carry on. He is the one who initiates, enables and sustains us from day to day. We may be incomplete and lacking, but He is not! God will never give up on us even though we may give up on ourselves at times. We must learn to rest in His promises and His truth. He will do far more than we can ever expect or anticipate. Our job is simply to rest in Him and trust Him. And remember that trusting is not passive—it is active faith. Read and meditate on His written Word, pour out your heart to Jesus, and walk obediently with Him. He may not take away or change your situation overnight, but He will change something—He will transform you from the inside out. Your attitude will change and your perspective will begin to mirror His. A peace that surpasses all understanding will flood your soul and you will begin to get the mind of Christ.

Maybe it is time to revisit those two words. Are you “happy” or do you have “joy”? Don’t allow your present circumstances to rob you of the joy of knowing Christ or keep you from growing closer to Him. Let’s face it, in this world we will have troubles. Jesus says so Himself. But He also says that He has overcome the world. He is bigger than anything that concerns you. He sees beyond your painful trials and circumstances. He alone knows the end of the story. All He asks of you is to take Him at His Word and take His hand. He will journey with you through the good times and the not so good times. He’s done it for me and I know He’ll do it for you.

Don’t waste your time pursuing fleeting experiences in an effort to evoke a temporary “high” in your life. And don’t just settle for “Happy.” Happiness will elude you as soon as the going gets tough. Personally, I want to live in a constant state of euphoria…a deeper joy that truly surpasses any fleeting experience. That is why I chose Jesus. He is my true and lasting Joy!

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes 5:16-18

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor 2:16

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Security in the Storm

Every human being ever born, whether he or she realizes it or not, craves security. At times we even go to unhealthy extremes to get it. Some people stay in unhealthy relationships for the hope of achieving security; others spend countless hours away from home and family in the pursuit of money expecting that financial security is all they need; and still there are others who become rather self-indulgent anticipating that the beauty treatments, plastic surgeries, and muscularly toned bodies will bring them the love and recognition they so crave. Don’t misunderstand me…we are wired to crave security. Needing to feel loved and taken care of is not wrong. The question is: Where are we going to get it? We must stop and ask ourselves from time to time how much of our security lies in our possessions, position, reputation or appearance. The ironic thing is that we all know that possessions can be destroyed, relationships can be broken, beauty fades with time, and for each one of us death is inevitable.

Real security is found only beyond this life. It can only be found when our security rests in God alone and His unchanging nature. Even though our circumstances change continuously, He is the only constant in our lives. And only with Him can we face this uncertain future with hope and peace.

I just finished studying the Book of Esther and it brought to light that Esther’s life was filled with many challenges and uncertainties. Although she was a beautiful queen who found favor with King Xerxes, the Persian king, her security did not lie in being Queen of Persia. Tradition in those days was rather cruel and it was not uncommon for a king to show his disapproval by killing those who did not respond in an appropriate fashion. In fact, his first wife Queen Vashti was exiled (and possibly killed) for not coming to him when summoned. Queen Esther was a Jewess (unbeknownst to the king) who replaced her. No doubt she walked around on pins and needles wondering what her fate might be. When a plan was made by the king’s right hand man to annihilate all the Jews, she fasted and prayed for three days before she entered into the king’s presence. She knew that she could have been killed simply by not being invited to speak to him. Edicts were irrevocable, and punishment was extreme to say the least. In fact, it didn’t surprise me to learn that the ancient Persians were the ones to come up with the tortuous crucifixion as a means of humiliation and death.

It is interesting to note that although God’s name is not mentioned once in this Old Testament book, it is quite obvious that His name is imprinted invisibly on every single page. He may have appeared to remain “unmentioned or anonymous”, but His work and sovereign plan for Esther’s and the Jews’ lives is clearly evident. In the end, God turned the tables around and the Queen and all the Jews were spared from annihilation.

This makes me wonder how many times God has turned the table around for me and I did not even know it? How many times has he protected me from harm’s way or not allowed me to get something I may have wanted and even prayed for because He alone knew that it would not be good for me. How many times have I grumbled because I didn’t get what I wanted totally unaware of the fact that He was only looking out for my best interest? Maybe that job I wanted would have caused me undue stress and turmoil. Maybe that friendship would have been harmful to me and caused me to stumble. Maybe that extra raise would have allowed me to become greedy and self-reliant. And maybe that period of time when my husband was unemployed was His way of teaching us that He alone is our all-sufficient Jehovah Jireh and provider.

I have learned over the years that nothing takes God by surprise. There are no “coincidences” in life. And yes, sometimes he remains completely anonymous. It our job to seek Him with all of our hearts and He promises we will find Him. It is our job to trust in Him and not in the world. Nothing the world offers can compare to the love and peace and security we find in our relationship with God. Let’s face it…we are definitely living in uncertain times. Many of us don’t know from one moment to the next if we will have a job or not. We certainly cannot rely on the crazy economy we are currently living in and the volatility of the stock market. We don’t know if our health will fail from one minute to the next. And we certainly know that death can come knocking on anyone’s door at any minute. No one is exempt. Don’t think it can’t happen to you or just happens to others. Take it from me. My very own 9 year old son was ushered into God’s presence at a birthday party of all places. As utterly devastating as that was for me, it did not surprise God one bit.

I have learned through much pain and sorrow that God is truly in control of everything and that if I place my trust in Him alone, He will see me through whatever trials or challenges that come my way. No one else I have ever met can do that for me. I have also learned that life is not so much about “smooth sailing” but in whom you trust when the boat begins to rock back and forth or the storms come with a vengeance. Do you trust in your boat’s ability to save you or possibly in the captain who is steering the boat? Or do you trust in the weatherman’s forecast and decide he’s probably wrong anyway? Are you planning to “sail through life” hoping to escape the turbulent waves in your own strength? Or are you willing to surrender self and let God be your ultimate security?” Seriously ponder that question for a little while and let it sink in deep. I hope you choose Him, because I can already see the storms brewing on the horizon.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes. Psalm 118:8-9

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. Psalm 57:1

He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1